RX Prescription Lenses Available!
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Maui Jim MJ 408-02 Sandy Beach (Gloss Black)

Maui Jim

Maui Jim MJ 408-02 Sandy Beach (Gloss Black)

Prescription Type:
Lens Options | Single Vision:
Lens Options | Bifocal:
Lens Options | Progressive:
Upgrades | Single Vision:
Upgrades | Bifocal:
Upgrades | Progressive:
Upload My Prescription:
FAX: <br> <font color="grey">Please fax a copy of your prescription with your full name and order number given to you at the end of this order process to</color> <font color="red">1-310-214-8064</color><font color="grey">. Your order will be processed after we have received your prescription. A confirmation will be sent to you via email.</color>
Email: <br> <font color="grey">Please email a scanned copy of your prescription as an attachment to</color> <font color="red">eyeglassdiscounter@gmail.com</color><font color="grey">. <br> For your order to be processed, please include your full name and order number in the subject line of your email. Your order will be processed after we have received your prescription. An order confirmation will be sent to you via email.</color>
Please click on the link below to input your prescription. <br> <a href="https://eyeglassdiscounterprescriptionform.wufoo.com/forms/sp1y99b0pwwsp3/"_blank"><font color="red">Click Here for Prescription Form</font></a>
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Maui Jim - Sandy Beach MJ 408-02 (Gloss Black) Sunglasses

Inspired by Sandy Beach, Oahu. This bodysurfing and bodyboarding mecca is basted in year-round swells from the easterly tradewinds for rollicking rides to a pitching shorebreak.

  • MJ Sport
  • Frames Color: Glossy Black
  • Lens: Neutral Grey 
  • Plastic frame
  • Polycarbonate Lens
  • Polarized 2 Plus
  • Lens width: 56 mm Bridge: 15 Arm: 130
  • RX Prescription options available
  • Please Note Maui Jim RX lens are Additional Cost please email for pricing 

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